LEARN NATURE has school program options for everyone!
Here are some of the most popular, and we can also design a program to fit your group.
*What Animals Need (pre-K - K)
Developed for the San Antonio Library System this program introduces the younger kids to the animals. * Animal Adaptations (grades K - 2) What do animals need to survive and how do they protect themselves? Camouflage and warning color is used as an example of special adaptations that critters use to stay alive and well.. * Critters Around Us (grades 3-6) Urban wildlife is always a popular topic. We explore the critters in your backyard and the ones you're most likely to see in the area. |
* Strive to Survive ( grades 3 - 5)
What constitutes a good habitat? A more in depth investigation of how animals have to adapt to their habitats. Squirrels and prairie dogs are both rodents, but their adaptations for survival are quite different Two Species in Trouble (grades 3 - 6) The Texas tortoise and the jaguar are Texas animals that are facing environmental challenges. Students explore threatened and endangered species with emphasis on those in our state. *The Texas Invaders! (invasive species) (grades 3 - 6) Animal invaders like killer bees, fire ants, feral hogs, rats, and more are invading Texas. Plant invaders like Chinaberry, elephant ear, and ligustrum are crowding out our native plants. What makes a species invasive and what can be done about it? |
Who Eats Whom? (grades 4 - 8)
What's the difference in a carnivore and an obligate carnivore? Students explore food webs, predator/prey relationships, and what makes an ecosystem. Animal Networks (grades 8 -10) Students investigate animal relationships - taxonomic, trophic, and symbiotic. How do these relationships effect their survival? Environmental Careers (adaptable to all grade levels) Do you have students that would like to make a difference in their world? Those who have a love of nature explore the possible careers in ecology. Perfect for career day. MANY OTHER PROGRAMS AVAILABLE FOR SCHOOLS, GARDEN CLUBS, HOA'S, EVENTS *most popular programs